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Hadji Butu's Christmas Message to His Christian Countrymen, 1928

From Philippine free Press, 8 December 1928

Here's an excerpt from the article "God Pardoned Adam on Christmas Day" in the 8 December 1928 issue of Philippine Free Press: Next to the Sultan of Sulu, the highest acknowledged religious authority among his people is Senator Hadji Butu. Followers of Mohammed in Mindanao recognize him not only as a wise counselor to sultans, but also as a scholar of great attainment: an Oriental philosopher whose writings in the Arabic language are exquisite poems in prose: and a master of Koran--the sacred nook of Islam. There is therefore special interest attached to the accompanying brief Christmas message from Senator Hadji Butu to readers of Free Press. Needles to remark, the beauty of the language of the original is lost in translation which follows: "Christmas is an important day for Mohammedans because it is the birth of Jesus Christ. It also marks the anniversary of Moses' departure from the land of the Pharaoh when God drowned in the sea the pursuers sent by that ruler after Moses and his men. Besides, on a similar date, according to our religion, God pardoned Adam for eating the forbidden fruit which caused the loss of Paradise. Even the Jews respect this blessed day by praying, fasting, giving alms to the poor and needy and extending goodwill to all. (Signed) Hadji Butu."

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